Masters in Literature

I’ve always been drawn towards creating characters, ever since I was young with my Barbies. Each doll had an extensive back-story, a set circle of friends, enemies, and family, and their own likes and dislikes. I really don’t know how my young brain stored all that information, but to this day I can still remember faint details about why Skipper didn’t like Melanie. As I create these brooch boyfriends I can’t help but add personality to each face. And one can’t judge their new beau on looks alone! So here’s a new boy and a little bit about him.

This boyfriend is currently working away at his masters in literature, though he doesn’t like to brag. He hides his intellect as well as he hides his face beneath all his bushy hair. He’s a simple guy who enjoys camping with friends, playing amateur guitar (in his room – he is rarely one to play in public) and lying on the grass beneath a shady tree. He’d like to find a girl who shares his interests but is a touch more outgoing; someone who can get him talking more at parties.

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Brooch Boyfriends are handmade with love by Hannah Bee in Toronto, Canada.

If you would like to grab one of these eligible young bachelors for your very own or for your friend, please visit my Etsy shop:

If you would like a custom-made boyfriend (modeled after your own sweet boo or the boyfriend you've always wanted) please email me at with 'Custom Made Boyfriend' in the header and I will happily create one for you. Send along a description and/or photo as well!

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