Custom Couple – Christine & Joe

A lovely lady named Christine requested a brooch couple of her and her boyfriend Joe, and she had some custom requests that I’d never tackled before! Including piercings. So I put on my creativity cap and got to work. I’m very proud of these two! Definitely an example of how personal you can truly get. Thanks for challenging me, Christine!

Custom Couple_Christine&Joe



Brooch Boyfriends are handmade with love by Hannah Bee in Toronto, Canada.

If you would like to grab one of these eligible young bachelors for your very own or for your friend, please visit my Etsy shop:

If you would like a custom-made boyfriend (modeled after your own sweet boo or the boyfriend you've always wanted) please email me at with 'Custom Made Boyfriend' in the header and I will happily create one for you. Send along a description and/or photo as well!

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